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常 見 問 題

  • 為什麼選擇 Miris Studio? Why Miris Studio?
    MIRIS STUDIO 成立於 2021 年,總部位於觀塘,專注於製作高品質的手工蠟燭並提供沉浸式工作坊體驗。我們的工匠精心製作每一支蠟燭,確保產品充滿細心、創新與獨特性。雖然我們的主要產品是蠟燭和工作坊,但我們也提供來自RIMAN 的優質護膚產品。在 MIRIS STUDIO,我們致力於為您提供奢華且個人化的體驗,每一件產品都體現了我們對品質和工藝的承諾。 Founded in 2021 and based in Kwun Tong, Miris Studio focuses on creating high-quality, handmade candles and offering immersive workshop experiences. Our artisans carefully craft each candle, ensuring it embodies attention to detail, innovation, and uniqueness. While our primary offerings are candles and workshops, we also provide premium skincare products from Riman. At Miris Studio, we are dedicated to delivering a luxurious and personalized experience, with each product reflecting our commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
  • 蠟燭是由什麼製成的? What are the candle made out of?
    在 MIRIS STUDIO,我們的蠟燭採用高品質的天然蠟製作,這種蠟具有環保和乾淨燃燒的特性。我們精選優質的香氛油,為每支蠟燭注入濃郁且令人愉悅的香氣。每支蠟燭都是手工製作的,注重細節,確保您獲得的不僅僅是美觀的產品,更是安全且環保的選擇。 At MIRIS STUDIO, our candles are crafted using high-quality natural wax, chosen for its eco-friendly and clean-burning properties. We enhance each candle with premium fragrance oils that are carefully selected to provide a rich and pleasing scent experience. Every candle is handmade with attention to detail, ensuring that you receive a product that is not only beautiful but also safe and environmentally responsible.
  • 我可以用自己的容器續杯蠟燭嗎? Can I refill my candle using my own container?
    當然可以!在 Miris Studio, 我們提供蠟燭續杯服務,您可以攜帶自己的容器來裝新蠟。我們提供超過50 種香味供您選擇,讓您可以根據自己的喜好定制蠟燭。續杯費用為每克 1 港元。您送來的容器將在10 個工作日內完成並可取回。我們建議您選擇耐熱且適合蠟燭使用的容器。如果您不確定您的容器是否適合,請隨時聯繫我們,我們將為您提供安全使用的建議,確保您獲得理想的蠟燭體驗。 Absolutely! At Miris Studio, we offer a candle refill service, and you are welcome to bring your own container for refilling. We have over 50 scents for you to choose from, allowing you to customise your candle to your preference. The price for refilling is HKD 1 per gram of wax. Once you drop off your container, your refilled candle will be ready for pick-up in 10 working days. We recommend that the container you choose is heat-resistant and safe for candle use. If you're unsure whether your container is suitable, feel free to reach out to us, and we can advise you on the best options to ensure a safe and enjoyable candle experience.
  • 我可以在使用後退回容器嗎? Can I Return the Containers After Use?
    可以的,您可以在使用後將蠟燭容器退回 Miris Studio。我們鼓勵回收和可持續性,因此我們非常歡迎您將用過的容器退回,以便我們進行再利用或續杯。通過退回容器,您可以幫助我們減少浪費,支持更加環保的方式。如果您對退回容器有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫以獲取更多資訊。 Yes, you can return your used candle containers to Miris Studio. We encourage recycling and sustainability, so we gladly accept returned containers for repurposing or refilling. By returning your containers, you help us reduce waste and support a more eco-friendly approach. If you have any questions about returning containers, please feel free to reach out to us for more information.
  • 蠟燭應該如何保養? How to take care the candle?
    要妥善保養您的蠟燭,請確保每次燃燒1至2小時,直到蠟燭表面完全融化,以避免出現隧道效應。燃燒時間最好控制在4小時以內,以維持蠟燭的品質。每次使用前,將燭芯修剪至5毫米至1厘米,以避免火焰過大和容器變黑。最後,當蠟燭剩餘5毫米蠟時,請熄滅蠟燭,以防止熱量損壞表面。 To care for your candle, let it burn for 1-2 hours until the surface is fully melted to prevent tunneling. To maintain its quality, limit burning sessions to 4 hours. Always trim the wick to 5mm to 1cm before lighting to avoid a large flame and container blackening. Finally, extinguish the candle when the wax is 5mm from the base to prevent heat damage to surfaces.


地址: 香港九龍觀塘區觀塘成業街19-21號成業工業大廈530室

WhatsApp: 7075 8191




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